In the Class Emoji Story ESL activity students create a spoken story, adding sentences for each emoji prompt.
In the Crime Scene Investigation ESL activity, students speculate on the story behind objects found at a crime scene.
In the Class Emoji Story ESL activity students create a spoken story, adding sentences for each emoji prompt.
In the Crime Scene Investigation ESL activity, students speculate on the story behind objects found at a crime scene.
In the Emoji Story ESL activity, students use random emojis as the prompts for events.
In the Fortunately Unfortunately ESL Activity, students create a story that alternates between positive and negative sentences.
In the Random Story activity, students write a story involving ten random items they chose beforehand.
In the Story Chain ESL activity, students write the next part of every story that is passed to them.
In the Story Circle ESL activity, students take turns adding new elements to a spoken story.
In The Gist Of It ESL activity, students listen to/watch a short story, then retell it to a partner who hasn’t heard/seen it.
The Travel Blog ESL activity involves students describing the events of an imagined trip.
In the Worst Day Ever ESL activity, students imagine a day when everything goes wrong, then describe what happened to a friend.