Tags: advanced , beginner , business , entertainment , intermediate , kids , music , past simple , politics , present perfect simple , present simple , science
In the Biography ESL project, students research the life of a famous person, then write about them and/or present to the class.
In the Biography Scanning ESL activity students have to quickly note down key facts about a person, then rewrite a biography using those notes.
In the Bucket List ESL activity, students make a list of the things they want to do in their life, then compare with a partner.
Do the Catch Up Party ESL activity with your class and find out what everyone’s been doing recently.
In the Celebrity Interview ESL activity students role-play a TV talk-show style interview.
In the Change Chairs ESL game (also known as Fruit Bowl), students have to change chairs if the sentence spoken by another student is true for them.
In the Connect Four ESL game students have to get ‘four in a row’ by identifying correct word(s), for example irregular verb forms.
In the Draw Your Weekend ESL activity students have describe what they think a classmate did/has done using only a drawing.
Tags: beginner , giving opinions , intermediate , kids , past simple , present continuous , present perfect continuous , present perfect simple , present simple , used to , warmer
In the Find Someone Who ESL activity, students have to find a classmate for whom a given criteria is true.
In the Guess The Biography ESL activity, students create five-part biographies then have to guess the people their classmates describe.
In the How Long Bingo ESL activity students practise present perfect ‘How long’ questions, while searching for specific answers.
In the How Long Quiz ESL activity, students answer ‘how long’ trivia questions in the present perfect, using for and since.
In the Irregular Verbs Rap ESL project, students create and perform a rap that incorporates all forms of different irregular verbs.
In the Making Plans ESL activity students create and perform a dialogue about friends making plans together, utilising the adverbs just, already and yet.
In the Never Have I Ever ESL game, students have to say things that they have never done, but that they think other members of the class have.
In the News Program ESL project, students create a TV news program and present it to the class.
The Spot The Difference ESL activity is a version of the well-known kids activity that can be used to practise a number of different language topics.
In The Travellers ESL activity, groups invent a trip they have been on, describe it to the class, and answer questions about their experiences.
The Two Truths And A Lie ESL activity is a bluffing game that’s perfect for getting to know your students, practising questions, or a number of different grammar topics.
The What Just Happened ESL game is a version of reverse charades in which students have to act their reactions to a given situation.
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