Tags: advanced, beginner, business, entertainment, intermediate, kids, music, past simple, politics, present perfect simple, present simple, science
In the Biography ESL project, students research the life of a famous person, then write about them and/or present to the class.
In the Biography Scanning ESL activity students have to quickly note down key facts about a person, then rewrite a biography using those notes.
In the Celebrity Interview ESL activity students role-play a TV talk-show style interview.
In the Change Chairs ESL game (also known as Fruit Bowl), students have to change chairs if the sentence spoken by another student is true for them.
Tags: beginner, geography, intermediate, kids, modal verbs (advice), modal verbs (obligation), modal verbs (permission), nature, passive, present simple, there is/are
Students do the Create A Country ESL project in pairs or small groups, then present their country to the class.
In the Create A Festival ESL project, students invent their own celebration and present it to the class.
In the Dream Job ESL activity, students describe their perfect job to their classmates.
Tags: beginner, giving opinions, intermediate, kids, past simple, present continuous, present perfect continuous, present perfect simple, present simple, used to, warmer
In the Find Someone Who ESL activity, students have to find a classmate for whom a given criteria is true.
In the Guess The Biography ESL activity, students create five-part biographies then have to guess the people their classmates describe.
The How Well Do You Know Your Friend ESL game is a ‘Mr and Mrs’ style game in which students have to answer questions about their partner.
Tags: advanced, animals, beginner, home, intermediate, jobs, kids, passive (present simple), present simple, sports and hobbies, warmer
The Twenty Questions ESL game is the classic parlour game in which students have to find out what their classmate is thinking of, using only yes/no questions.
The What Am I ESL game is a cross between Twenty Questions and Who Am I, designed for practising jobs or animals vocabulary and present simple questions.
The Who Am I ESL game is a version of the popular party game in which students have to guess the person assigned to them.
In the Whose Life Is It Anyway ESL activity, students write sentences about their lives in secret, then guess which of their classmates wrote each one.
In the You Rule The School ESL activity, students describe what school would be like if they made the rules.