Terms Of Use
By using eslactive.com you agree to the following terms of use:
– I recognise that eslactive is the sole owner of content appearing on the website, except in cases where other users can post content directly, where the users are the owners of such content. This includes the eslactive company logo, brand name, and content downloadable as a pdf (but excludes the icons used on the site).
– I agree to not sell on any materials owned by eslactive to a third party. We encourage you to share our materials for free among other teachers, as long as they are unaltered. However, they must not be reproduced on any other website, or in any other publication, without prior permission (please contact us if you would like to do this).
– By providing my email address in a post comment, I consent to eslactive sending me promotional material (only related to eslactive directly, not third parties). You can unsubscribe from our mailing list by clicking “Unsubscribe” in an email.